Friday, October 17, 2008

Please vote! Our children's future depends on it!

Well, they've finally started coming in. It looks like the Christian Taliban is getting really nervous. This is also the first email address I've left visible to the world. If this is indeed from the American Family Association, they deserve email.

Know what's funny? In Catholic school I was taught that there are three tell-tale signs of the devil's influence: fear, nakedness (lack of shame,) and an obsession with death.

How many of the devil's tactics are being used here?


From: American Family Association []Sent: Fri 17-Oct-08 1:28 AM
Subject: Please vote! Our children's future depends on it!

Donald E. Wildmon

Founder and Chairman

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.

Please vote! Our children's future depends on it!

October 15, 2008

Dear [Deleted],

In my 70 years, I have never seen an election where coverage was so one-sided and biased or where censorship by the liberal media was so widely practiced and where media coverage was so slanted as I have seen in this election process. Their plan is working. The only chance conservatives have is to make sure they care enough to vote.

If the liberals win the upcoming election, America as we have known it will no longer exist. This country that we love, founded on Judeo-Christian values, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a secular state hostile to Christianity. This “city set on a hill” which our forefathers founded, will go dark. The damage will be deep and long lasting. It cannot be turned around in the next election, or the one after that, or by any election in the future. The damage will be permanent. That is why it is so important for you to vote and to encourage friends and family to vote. This is one election where your vote really counts.


Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Please take a few minutes and invite your friends to AFA ActionAlert.

In keeping with our
privacy policy, AFA may periodically contact you regarding issues of concern to the family. Rest assured that your e-mail address will be kept in the strictest confidence.

You are subscribed as [DELETED]. Unsubscribe Update E-mail Address

If you are a Federal Civilian, Postal or Military Employee, please consider AFA (#12037) for your annual CFC participation.
American Family Association P O Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 1-662-844-5036


Unknown said...

I'm happy that a lot of the wind for these groups' sails died when that idiot blue-hair got the mic grabbed from her by McCain.

"H-he's... an Arab? No?"

Poobis said...

Well the air certainly hasn't been all that stagnant around my office or near my grandma as of late.

People seem to be sailing around just fine in the town where I work. It just so happens to be the same town that Joe the Plumber was duped as a child into thinking he can be just like the Republicans if he works hard enough to make them more rich.

My sister actually believes Obama is the antichrist.

Really and Truly.

This whole thing just makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama being the antichrist would be a good thing for people who care about that - if the antichrist is around, that means the Rapture's about to happen and you get to go to heaven for being good!

see: evangelical policy on Israel